Oddity | 2024 | English with Subtitles | 720p 1080p
Download Oddity | 2024 | English with Subtitles | English | 720p 1080p | FilmyHit
A clairvoyant medium endeavors to reveal reality behind her sister’s homicide at the site of the wrongdoing. After the ruthless homicide of her twin sister, Darcy pursues those capable by involving tormented things as her apparatuses for retribution.
At the point when Dani is fiercely killed at the far off ranch style home that she and her significant other Ted are redesigning, everybody thinks a patient from the nearby emotional well-being establishment, where Ted is a specialist. Be that as it may, not long after the terrible killing, the suspect is seen as dead. After a year, Dani’s visually impaired twin sister Darcy, a self-declared mystic and gatherer of reviled things, pays a surprising visit to Ted and his new sweetheart, Yana. Persuaded that there was something else to her sister’s homicide besides individuals know, Darcy has carried with her the most risky things from her reviled assortment to help her get payback.